The PISCES Community


National and international research projects

PEPR TRACCS (2023-2030, PI : M. Kageyama, S. Morin ). The program aims to mobilize a wide range of scientific disciplines – human and social sciences, natural sciences, high-performance scientific computing – to produce climate information to characterize climate change and assess its consequences for human and natural systems. Component 8 of this program aims to improve the representation of biogeochemical responses in ESMs and to analyze their interactions. The project will focus on components with high impacts on the Earth system: CO2, CH4, limiting nutrient exchanges between components (P, N, Fe), fires, volatile organic compounds and semi-arid ecosystem dynamics.

PPR CLIMARCTIC (2022-2028, PI: Camille Lique, LOPS). The project aims to understand and predict the regionalized responses of Arctic physical and biogeochemical conditions to future intensification of climate change over the 21st century, and the associated impacts on the region’s socio-economic activities and global climate.

PPR LIFEDEEPER (2023-2028, PI: M.A. Cambon Bonavita). This project aims to measure the vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems to potential mineral resource exploitation by developing new approaches, combining in situ, in vivo and laboratory experiments, modeling and qualitative social science research to understand their natural geological, geochemical and biological functioning.

ANR TRAITZOO (2023-2026, PI: S.D. Ayata, LOCEAN). This project focuses on the trait biogeography and on the functional diversity of marine mesozooplankton. It combines high throughput data (imaging, omics), machine learning and numerical modelling using PISCES or individual-based models.

ANR BubblePlast (2023-2026, PI: P. Wong-Wah-Chung, LCE). This project includes the development of the PISCES-PLASTIC model for integrating nanoparticles.

SU-ISCD FORMAL (2023-2026, PI: J.O. Irisson, S.D. Ayata). This project-team of ISCD aims to study the dynamics of life in the ocean at various spatial and temporal scales, using observations ans models. It gathers several laboratories of Sorbonne University.

ANR FORESEA (2020-2023, PI: J. Jouanno). This project aims at advancing our current understanding of Sargassum bloom and drift in the open and coastal ocean and help transfer this understanding into a seasonal forecast.

ANR-CIGOEF (2018-2021, PI: O. Maury): CIGOEF will develop, study and disseminate scenarios of the future impacts of climate change on global oceanic ecosystems, fish resources and associated fisheries and markets. It will also quantify the feedbacks of ecosystem changes to the carbon cycle and climate change.

ANR-SOBUMS (2017-2021, PI: J. Orr): SOBUMS focuses on the integrated response of Southern Ocean biogeochemistry to multiple changing stressors and the ability of ocean component of CMIP6 ESMs to capture this response.

ANR-BIIM (2019-2021, PI: H. Planquette): The objective of this project is to understand the role of lithogenic iron emitted from the continental shelves and margins. Within this project, a new parameterization of this iron pool will be developed based on laboratory experiments.

ERC-BYONIC (2017-2022, PI: Alessandro Tagliabue): The goal of BYONIC is to expand the modeling of micronutrients within PISCES and to revisit the theoretical underpinning of the physiological model of resource limitation. Tagliabue’s team are developing a version of PISCES including Co, Zn, Cu and Mn alongside the usual PISCES tracers, as well as exploring ways to extend the quota version of PISCES to include these additional resources.

H2020-CRESCENDO (2017-2021, PI: C. Jones): The CRESCENDO project facilitates a coordinated European contribution to the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) with 7 European Earth System Models, incl. IPSL-CM, CNRM-ESM and EC-Earth, all using PISCES as their marine biogeochemical component. CRESCENDO also aims at improving the biogeochemical components of these Earth System Models.

ANR-SOLAB (2019-2023, PI: X. Capet): Planktonic interactions, environmental factors and biological/geochemical consequences in the South Senegalese coastal laboratory. Oxygen dynamics in the West African oxygen minimum zone and on the Senegalese plateau. PhD students: Pierre Chabert, A. W. Tall.

Project BRAMA (INSU-LEFE CYBER 2023-2025, PI: P.A. Auger) “Biogeochemical resilience of a coastal bay under human pressure : baseline status and modeling of the Hann Bay (Dakar, Senegal)”, coll. E. Machu, T. Gorgues (LOPS), M. Raimonet, E. Michaud, M. Waeles (LEMAR), V. Echevin, X. Capet, O. Aumont, R. Person (LOCEAN), B. Bombled (LSCE). Characterize the biogeochemical functioning of the Hann Bay and evaluate its resilience in terms of water quality (eutrophication, hypoxia/anoxia) following the foreseen treatment of presently untreated waste-waters.

Project SOUPE (INSU-LEFE-GMMC 2021-2023; PI: F. Colas) “Variabilité de la Sous-mésoéchelle et impact sur l’Oxygène dans l’Upwelling PEruvien“, coll. V. Echevin, R. Person, S. Thomsen, J. Hauschidlt, A. Pietri.

Project COCASAM (LEFE-GMMC 2021-2022, PI: V. Echevin) “Continuum océan côtier-Casamance”, coll. B.Ndom (PhD student), X. Capet, E. Machu, T. Pellarin (IGE). Objectives: Evaluate the impact of (1) interannual variability of west Africa’s  oxygen minimum zone on the oxygenation of coastal waters, (2) river discharges and coastal runoff on surface salinity, stratification in density and oxygenation of bottom waters on the Senegalese plateau, and (3) study the exchange of properties (water masses, salt, heat) between the coastal ocean and the Casamance estuary (~12.5°N) according to hydro-(tidal, coastal currents) and thermodynamics (wind, heat flow) using a very high-resolution CROCO model (500 m) of the ocean-estuary-river continuum.

Project “Caracterizacion y pronostico de eventos extremos en el mar peruano usando un sistema operacional de informacion oceanica“, Banque Mondiale/Concytec (Pérou), Institut de la Mer du Pérou, 2019-2022; PI: F. Colas; coll. V. Echevin, D. Espinoza, R. Mogollon, F. Gomez, A. Pietri.

Project “Modélisation dynamique des effets de la variabilité environnementale sur l’abondance des populations d’anchois (Engraulis ringens) dans l’écosystème d’upwelling du Humboldt“; 2019-2022; Thèse J. Flores (Pérou); Sorbonne Université / UCAD (Sénégal); encadrement: C. Lett / T. Brochier / L. Pecquerie / F. Colas.

Project “Influence des processus de méso-échelle sur la distribution d’oxygène dans la zone de minimum d’oxygène du Pacifique Nord-Oriental“; 2021-2024; Thèse C. Herrera (Mexique); Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico / Sorbonne Université; encadrement J. Sanchez Cabeza / F. Colas.

Project ASAP, PI: S. Pous. What controls primary and secondary production on the Agulhas bank?

Project SENOX (2018-2020, P.I.: V. Echevin) “Modelling the oxygen minimum zone off the Senegalese shelf “, LEFE-GMMC, coll.: A.W. Tall (PhD student), X. Capet (LOPS),  E. Machu, A. Lazar. Objective: to study the physical and biogeochemical mechanisms that control the dissolved oxygen cycle on the Senegalese shelf and in the deep ocean off west Africa using numerical simulations and in situ observations.

IRD programs

Jeune équipe associée à l’IRD, JEAI DYSRUP “Approche pluri-disciplinaire de la dynamique et de l’impact des stresseurs environnementaux sur la physiologie des ressources vivantes côtières du système d’Upwelling Péruvien”, porteur: A. Aguirre, Institut de la Mer du Pérou, 2020-2022.

Groupement de Recherche International Sud, GDRI DEXICOTROP “Dynamics of extreme events and their impacts on the ecology of coastal resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific”, Pérou/Chili/Equateur/Mexique/France, porteurs: F. Colas (LOCEAN), E. Kraffe (LEMAR), 2021-2024.